Friday, March 8, 2013

Ode to the Treadmill

I don’t mind the winter.  We don’t normally get much snow in the Midwest, so I even get excited when it snows a bit.  There’s something about going out for a run when the snow is lightly falling and being the first set of footprints on the sidewalk.  Most people tend to stay inside, so it’s quiet and still outside – the perfect atmosphere for a relaxing run. 

This winter was different.  This winter, we had two major snowstorms within several days of each other totaling 20+ inches.  As a parent, I enjoy having my kiddos home from school, and it’s so fun playing in the snow with them.  As a grown-up, that’s a LOT of heavy snow to shovel at one time with muscles that might not be used regularly.  And as a runner, that kind of snow makes for some insanely high piles and city sidewalks that no one bothers to shovel.

In this situation, what’s a runner to do?  There is hope, if you’re willing.  Some people call it a hamster wheel, while others I know call it the dreadmill.  That’s right – the treadmill.  I know there are some runners who won’t touch a treadmill with a ten foot pole.  Personally, I’d rather run on a treadmill than not run at all.  I broke down and bought one about a year and a half ago because I wanted the freedom to run anytime when I wasn't able to go outside. 

I much prefer to run outside, but I’m thankful to have the treadmill when I need it.  Needless to say, this winter I’ve been using it a lot.  I’m a much faster runner outside because I’m afraid if I go too fast on the treadmill, I’ll do a face plant.  I haven’t yet, and I don’t plan to take that chance by going too fast.  It would not be pretty. 

One positive thing the treadmill has done is made me a more consistent runner.  Think about it.  Unless you’re on a program where the speed varies, the belt is moving at the same speed, therefore, you’re running at the same pace for the duration of your run.  I’ve found that by running on the treadmill, my body is able to run at a constant pace outside without even looking at my Garmin.  This has really helped me during races, as I’m able to steadily pace myself for the first half and really crank it into gear during the second half.

Now granted, I bought a somewhat fancy treadmill with wireless internet and a nice HD screen that allows me to run virtually anywhere in the world.  Pair that with music and I’m good to go.  It has a nice ride with speeds of 0 to 12 mph and anywhere from a -3 to 15% incline.  It has speakers for my iPod and a fan with several speeds.  Not a bad way to go, even if you’re training for a race.

I still have my limits.  I can’t run much more than about 4-5 miles at a time on the hamster wheel.  I have a friend who trained for a marathon on the treadmill and was putting in 20 mile runs.  Kudos to her, but no thanks.  I just don’t have the mindset or the attention span to go longer than that.  Maybe when my husband finally puts up that flat screen he bought for me over a year ago… 

Outside is a different story.  Outside, there are days where I feel like I could run forever.  This weekend we spring forward, putting us one step closer to spring’s arrival.  I look forward to runs with warmer temperatures, sounds of birds chirping, and smells of flowers blooming.  Until then, I’ll lace up and head down to the basement each day for the next best thing.

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