Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Fantastic End to National Running Day

I thought about running ALL day today.  After all, it was National Running Day, right?  Truth be told, I think about running most of the time anyway, but today was special.  We runners got a day to ourselves, for our sport to be recognized.  We don't necessarily need the recognition, but boy, it sure feels nice. 

I realize that tweeting at and reading tweets from the people on my twitter feed is like preaching to the choir.  The majority of them are people who are runners, fitness junkies, gym rats, and cyclists who all believe passionately in their sport.  I loved reading how everyone was celebrating today.  I was having a pretty great day as it was, and then I saw this on my facebook newsfeed tonight:

"Everyone needs a little motivation every now and mine was Katie Taylor...for no reason other than she got out and ran. And that it was National Running Day."

That was posted by a friend of mine, and yes, that's me.  My day went from pretty great to fantastically awesome in less time than it takes a Ferrari to go from 0 to 60.  It absolutely made my day, and it's part of why I do what I do.  Of course I love running for selfish reasons - stress relief, peace and clarity, a sense of accomplishment, strengthening my determination, and I could go on and on.  I really love it, though, that I was someone's motivation today to get out there and get moving.    

How could you ask for a better end to National Running Day?

Did you get up and run today?  Where did your shoes take you?  How far did you go?


  1. I ran an easy 4.5 miles yesterday morning in the rain with friends and it was perfect :)

    1. That sounds wonderfully relaxing - great job! :)
