Saturday, May 18, 2013

Running With Heat

I stepped outside this morning to go on a run, and was amazed at how hot and humid it already was at 10 a.m.  It was incredibly windy, sticky, and sunny, which can make for an unpleasant run.  As I was running, I started thinking about what is necessary to enjoy a run safely in this kind of weather.  Here are my top 3:

1. Proper Hydration - I make sure to drink plenty of fluids before and after my run, as well as throughout the day.  If it's a run longer than 5-6 miles, I take them with me as well.  I've always been a water girl because I've never been a fan of Gatorade or Powerade.  Recently I discovered Nuun Active Hydration Tabs, which are electrolyte enhanced drink tabs.  They are effervescent and the taste can take a little getting used to, but now I'm hooked.  I went from having none to having a whole cabinet full of most of their 14 flavors.  I still love my water and drink plenty of it, but Nuun replaces those all-important electrolytes and contains no sugar or carbs.

2. Proper Breathing - When I first started running, I used to get a lot of side stitches, particularly in the warmer weather.  I learned that if you're gasping for air through your mouth, you're not breathing efficiently and are more prone to cramping and potential injuries.  Breathing is something I'm constantly working on with every run, but I'm gradually learning to do it in a way that works for me.  I've found that if I inhale through my nose (2-3 steps per inhaled breath) and exhale through my mouth (2-3 steps per exhaled breath), I'm much less likely to get those annoying side stitches.  When my breathing is efficient, my run is more efficient and enjoyable.

3. Proper Clothing - When it's already 80 degrees outside and I know I'm going to heat up the more I run, I'm very careful in choosing my running wardrobe.  I am adamant about not running in cotton, and that goes for socks as well.  For me, cotton is just too heavy and holds too much moisture.  I typically look for clothing and socks that are mainly polyester with a little spandex or elastane thrown in for some stretch.  

Another thing I avoid is long sleeve hot weather shirts.  I don't care how lightweight the fabric is - if it's a long sleeve shirt, I'm going to get hot.  When it's warm outside, I prefer to run in shorts, a tank top, and a lightweight running hat.  If you're someone who burns easily, make sure to use plenty of sunscreen.

What kind of clothing do you wear when the weather heats up?  Do you have a favorite brand?  What do you drink before/during/after your runs?  Are there other things you change about your runs when the weather heats up?       

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